Yoga & Meditation Retreats

Yoga Body Zen Mind

A 2 day workshop – integrates yoga, chi gong (a Chinese martial art practice), creative visualisation and mindfulness. A journey that takes you deep into yourself. Discovering, unravelling, peeling off and creating new dimensions to your personality through a combination of ancient practices and contemporary thinking. This is a session that’s co-facilitated by the wonderful Sheetal Jayaraj a well known and much loved yoga teacher and mindfulness guide who has worked with me for over 15 years now.


I’m so lucky that I get to do a few retreats every year for anywhere from 3-6 days. Each of them is a complete treat and that I get to do them multiple times is I guess why they are called retreats 🙂
I’ve done these in different places ranging from the Himalayas to locations like Goa, Bali and Sri Lanka. 
Retreats are basically longer workshops which are residential in nature and where the interactions are deeper and more transformative. Participants get to also engage with each other and form lasting bonds and friendships that go well beyond the duration of our time together.